Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I have a day off today...veterans day!!

I have no school today because of veterans day. However, I still woke up early because my mom told me that I had to clean the refrigerator this morning. Also, I used to woke up early on the week days. Then my parents woke up around 9 o'clock. I made them the breakfasts. While we were eating the breakfast, my mom told me that I had to go find a job in Boardway mall today. After that, I went on internet to check out my facebook. One of my friend wrote on my facebook. She told me that she lived two blocks away from my house. I was so surprised and unbelieveable when I heard that. Also, today is her birthday. She didn't plan to do anything on her birthday, so she invited me to have dinner with her tonight. I told her that I wanted to, however I couldn't do it because I had to go home and had dinner with my parent tonight. So i invited her to have dinner with me and my parents tonight and she said yes. So I went to pick her up at Dunkin Donut..and we went to the mall. When we got into the mall , we were walking around and asked for the application form. I got five applications of different stores. I told all of them that I would be back later. Finally, my friend and I went home and had dinner together....


Elaine Soffer said...

Which store do you want to work in the most? Your parents seem to like to have people over for dinner. I'll be there next Tuesday! Just kidding.

bifern0707 said...

I can work any stores if i get any of them..However, My favorit store that i want to work is American Egle.

yes they are..they love to have people to come over..would you like to come?? i am always welcome..

see you tomorrow Elaine
miss you

satinder.blogspot.com said...

i know you find some work.
it is good to work in any store.you like it.

bifern0707 said...

of course..i would like to work the store that i like..so i can enjoy while i am working you know!