Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Today is such a busy day ever..isn't it??? Maybe not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I went to school regularly today. Elaine said that we were going to watch the movie about the crime today. I was so excited and interested about it. However, my teacher said that we needed to give some of my classmates do the presentation about their obsession first. It was going to be 2 people today but then one of them was absent. So there was only one person did it. He talked about the island in his country, Ecuador. While he was presenting his project, he was also showing the pictures about the places. It was very beautiful and fascinating. There were many different kinds of Animals there, such as turtles , seals, penguins, etc..Then Elaine gave us back the homework sheets and we needed to find a partner to compare or check the answers with the partner that our answers were the same or not. So pearl was my partner because she sat next to me and also she was my close friend. After we finished it, Elaine said we needed to go over it together. After we went over it together, she gave us the summary and characters of the movie. Several minutes later, she gave us the break about 20 minute and we needed to come back on time. While we had the break, I was reading some magazine with some of my friends. After the break, Elaine showed us the movie..however we didn't finish the movie because we had to go to International Student Panel. We went there with Marissa and her class because our teacher needed to go somewhere and she would follow us later. When We got there, there were many people. Most of them were LINCC program students. There were 8 speakers who were giving the information about their lives in the U.S. They were from different countries, such as China, India, Pakistan, Elsavador, New York, etc..I couldn't remember all of them. Anyway, Most of them had the same experiences and situations liked me. I remember when I was here first time. We all had a hard time to learn English. Oh! there also had food sale. I bought brownie and salad wrap. It was fine..i love brownie. At about 12.15 p.m., I had an appointment at the writing center. .I walked there it took me about 10 minute to get there. When I arrived there, I told the people that worked there it was my first time. The instructor told me to filled out my information. Then She told me that i had only 20 minute left because I was late about 15 minute. After that, I walked to another instructor she sat at the back of the room. She was a very nice and kind person. I showed her my old writing that i had the problems with. She explained and helped me figure out about the problems and troubles that I had. 20 minutes later, I went home. Before I went home, I went to supermarket to buy something for my mom because she called me to get something for her. At about 3:00 p.m., I arrived home. I was so exhausted and weak today. However, I had so much fun today. Are you guys have so much today too?

1 comment:

Elaine Soffer said...

Wow, Fern! We did do a lot this morning, and then you did a lot more afterward. I'm glad you had a good day. By the way, I liked the brownie I had too!